Tuesday, December 30, 2008
You really got a hold on champagne from a paper cup
Ben Gibbard and Zooey Deschanel are getting MARRIED?! What the!!!? That's the perfect indie music match. The only thing better would have been Ben getting married to Jenny Lewis. But I'm glad they didn't because now I can keep my secret girl crush on her. But dear lord, who knew Ben and Zooey were even dating? Not me. That's who. This is intense.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
I miss you, I'm going back home to the West Coast.
"I wish you would have put yourself in my suitcase"

Merry Christmas! I got Elizabeth Zimmerman's Knitting Workshop and Knitting Around. I'm already longing to be back in Nashville with my needles and yarn. They're like my little children. Children I manipulate into whatever I want them to be. Sounds like most parents, right?
I also got other things, a camera, clothes from Elizabeth, Surprised by Hope by NT Wright (I LOVE HIM), candy, iTunes gift card, and other things I can't remember off the top of my head. And my mom said she wanted to get me yarn, but didn't know what kind, so tomorrow morning before my flight back to Nashville, she's taking me to a cool LYS on the Northwest Side. I've never been there, but from their website I got the impression that they're the most well stocked in Tucson. I can't wait to go! I'm going to get yarn to make the Incredible Custom-Fit Raglan for Chris' birthday! (Below is a picture of one such that I particularly liked... but really, the pattern is so versatile I can literally make it any way he wants)
I'm thinking I'll do a V-neck cardigan, a dark brown, with maybe some skinny lighter brown stripes? Stockinette all over and maybe garter stitch button band and cuffs? Who knows. I'm super excited to start though.
Merry Christmas, bing bongs, and have a happy new year! :)
Monday, December 22, 2008
Christmas time is here
I'm back in Tucson for Christmas and all I can think is, "Why did I not bring any knitting needles home??" I'm seriously going crazy.
Chris and I had our exchanged last night and one of the gifts he gave me was a book called The Friday Night Knitting Club. Since I had nothing to do with my hands on the plane, I read about half of it. I'm not sure how I feel about it. It's like they tried too hard to make it about knitting. I don't know. The characters are ok, but I feel no real connection to any of them, sans one or two. But even then, I wouldn't be heartbroken if anything happened to them, and I really could care less about the main character. Lame. Fiction revolving around knitting is an interesting subject to me.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, so I just googled the book to read some reviews and not only was it a New York Times best seller, but they're also making it into a movie with Julia Roberts as the protagonist. The one I don't care about. Hmm. It's sort of ironic because in the book there's a sort of weird film student who keeps staking out the yarn store where the book takes place to see if Julia Roberts goes in.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I'll Be Home for Christmas
I'm going home Sunday! Hurray! Even though Nashville's not the coldest of places, Tucson will always be warmer. Mmmmm, not having to wear a coat....

I've done a little knitting in my absence. I made Tudora, a neck warmer that's reminiscent of Elizabethan times. I don't know who it's for. Random Christmas present for someone? Yep.
I look awesome.
I've also started my first gloves EVER for my sister Emily. They're an amazing color of purple (which you can't tell because my camera is broken and I've had to resort to my phone) and are going to be hobo gloves. She lives in Chicago and actually needs warmth. Lame.
See? No bueno.
Things I Will Do When I Get Home:
- Eat at Viva.
- See Sara and scream because she got ENGAGED.
- Go to every yarn store in town.
- Knit.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
So many things to update!
Hello! I haven't blogged in forever! It's unfortunate because sort of a lot has been happening, namely me making this...
and this...
Apparently I'm in my yellow period.
I also went to South Carolina for Thanksgiving with Emily and Shannon! We made Cornish Hens instead of Turkey (and when I say we, I really mean just Shannon because she's a cooking beast), and had all of our favorites - stuffing, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy, my mom's homemade pumpkin pie, and MORE! It was glorious. I love these girls.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
I hate making up titles
I added some buttons to the scarf-ette today! Michael's had a big bag of buttons for like $5 and I picked out three matching ones to quickly sew on. I love it! I wish I could have taken more pictures of it, but I gave it to Rachel already. Oh well. Here's a camera phone picture of me looking like an idiot and wearing it.

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Mr. F!
For all of you who have stayed up multiple nights worrying if I would stop knitting or not, don't worry! I whipped up a little treat for Rachel Brown's birthday that's today. My camera is broken, but thankfully my iMac took a couple o' pictures for your viewing pleasure.

I also got bangs! I'm a fan. Not in these pictures though - I had just woken up and was obviously gross looking.
The pattern is Fourteen and is a nice little neck warmer / scarf dicky thing. Isn't dicky a weird word? I don't know if I'd wear anything that had that name. Except for this. I need to get buttons for it still, so I'm going to try and stop by Michael's before we go see Quantum of Solace this afternoon. Wooo! James Bond. Awesome. Chris and are in the midst of watching them all in chronological order, starting with Dr. No. We just finished Goldfinger and it was definitely the best so far. Oh I love Sean Connery.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Working Title
I haven't knit in days. Is this another obsession fallen by the wayside?! Let's hope it isn't so!
I'm working full time this week. Phew. Haven't done that in a whi... ever. Ok, I did last summer, but all of this work is getting in the way of my social life. Too bad my social life only consists of my roommates and my boyfriend. Ugh.
To South Carolina - 15 days!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Life is Wonderful (now that a black man is president)
Now that everyone is proud to be an American again, I feel as if life can go on happily.
So I have another job opportunity, hopefully. Someone from Word emailed me saying they had a Publicity Assistant job open, asking if I would like to send my resume to apply. I said yes please! Apparently J worked his magic there as well for me. I owe that guy so much and I've never even met him. Anyway, I'm not getting my hopes up because it would be too good to be true. Oh well. What's another 5 years at the ice cream parlor? I could be like AJ from Empire Records!
Nothing else going on in my life except GARY called me and said he's 95% sure he's moving to Nashville. The kid is not even 20 years old ("I'm 19 and a half," he told me tonight) and he's working for Taylor Swift! Not to mention every other band he's worked with over the past 3 or 4 years. I like knowing him. And to think that the Newsboys brought us together...
Well, it's 3:36 in the morning. Time for sleep.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Obama '08
I am nervous for our country.
Here's hoping America isn't stupid this time around.
Obama '08.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
If you didn't know, I finally chose to be Waldo. The hat wasn't very good because I completely improvised a random hat pattern and it was knit with that cheap-o Red Heart Walmart yarn and I only had like 3 hours to make it. It was sort of fun to knit to a deadline, but I'm worried that if I did that often I'd get tired of knitting quick. Anyway, here are some pictures:

Where's Waldo?!
I love holidays.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Fastest Knitter in the West
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Patterns a plenty.
One of the joys of working at the ice cream parlor is that sometimes people are awesome. Like today - some guy who works at a barbecue place down the street brought me free barbecue sandwich and macaroni and cheese. And tonight this girl who was wearing a knit slouchy beanie from Urban Outfitters GAVE IT TO ME just because I said I loved it. Want pictures? Oh I'll give you pictures.

(And here it is on the Urban Outfitters site:)
My first thought when observing said hat? "I could TOTALLY knit that." And I think I can! And I think I'm going to decipher it right here and right now so that maybe you too could knit this hat one day.
Note: I've never written a knitting pattern or actually deciphered one from an already knitted object, so this will be rough and this will probably be full of errors. But I plan on actually trying to make it, so if there are many errors I'll hopefully catch them.
Cast on 64 stitches. Work in k 1 p 1 ribbing for 3 rows, then work in k 2 p 2 ribbing until piece measures 5 inches. Start decreasing by every k2tog every 8 stitches, until there are 12 stitches left on the needle. Cut thread then pull thread through stitches and tighten.
Maybe? Yes? I'm not sure what size needles to use... the yarn looks worsted. I'm thinking size 9 or 10? I'm going to try it out and see for myself!
Sometimes I get irrationally angry at the stolen wireless internet not working.
I made another hat. I'm a little obsessed at the moment. Observe:

Not a bad looking gent, to boot.
Next on the docket is fingerless gloves. Can I do it?! According to strength #3 (positivity), yes. Yes I can.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Halloween is nigh upon us
I've narrowed my costume choices to three:

Where's Waldo
Pepper Ann:
Or Spinelli from Recess:
I'm leaning towards Waldo because I think a) he's the most recognizable character, b) the costume would be pretty easy to reproduce, and c) because I found a pattern to knit a Where's Waldo hat. But at this point in the game, I'm not sure.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Threaded Bliss/Bliss/Whatever, I love it
I felt like a soccer mom circa 1995 today, running errands in my '92 Dodge Caravan with the fake wood siding. It was awesome.
One of the most important stops on my list of places to go/do was Threaded Bliss yarns, the closest LYS to me. Despite many good natured decisions to visit the Sit N' (and?) Knit there, I had never gone. When I found myself with a whole day of nothing, I thought it would be the perfect place to visit. And it's AMAZING. As soon as I stepped inside, a young woman around my age, maybe a little older, popped up and asked if I needed anything. There was a large-ish group of people around a table, eating, knitting, and apparently having a blast. And as soon as I was ready to check out (I bought Regia? it's brown and tweedy and will make amazing fingerless mittens, which is what it'll be used for), left the group immediately to help me, as nice as could be. She told me everything about the shop, when all the sit and knits were, what kind of needles she recommended, and all in the nicest, most friendly way. Basically, it was like a cool club and I want to be part of it like whoooooa. I'm pretty pumped.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Roses and raspberry leaves
I've been knitting! Want to see what I've made? Really? You do? Awesome.

I made: a slouchy beanie for Katie G!
And a little something called Thorpe for Emily (but beautifully modeled by Chris... I know he just wants me to knit his already):
I've also started on another slouchy thing for myself:
That picture was taken on my phone, so you can't really see how amazing the color is, but it's maroon with a little yellow in it and I want to wear it already.
Also, the hat for Emily's soooort of a surprise, but I know she reads this (once a year), so SURPRISE! Happy homecoming in two weeks! Seriously though. It's going to be awesome.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
I'm going to knit!
Lack of updates, I'm sorry! I've just been distracted by job interviews, waiting an hour and a half in Nashville for gas, and random trips to Georgia with Emily. But I'm still sorry.
But I'm going to start knitting again! Dalton, GA has a sweet little LYS where I bought some Berroco Peruvia in the most amazing brown and green. When I get back to my apartment I'll upload pictures. Chris said he wants a beanie with ear flaps, so Thorpe by Kristen Kapur seems like a good fit. I haven't been this excited about knitting something in a long time. It's probably because I haven't really knit anything lately. Eee! I couldn't find any good chunky yarns (the lady in there said that in Georiga it's too warm to really warrant much of a sale), so I'm going to double the yarn up for this. Also, because I have an unfounded fear of dpns, I'm going to knit it with two circulars. Holla.
Yay! I can't wait to get back to knit!
Also, I'm going to see Jenny Lewis and Conor Oberst play tonight at the Ryman in Nashville. This is going to be the best show ever.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
It's been awhile.
I haven't been online in for-ev-er. The sudden change from being constantly online to not at all is addling my brain! Do I even exist?! It's strange.
Greenville's back in session which I'm trying not to think about, and I had to work all weekend so I couldn't even make it out there for the triple birthday bash. I guess it turned into a double birthday bash. Thank goodness Emily and I set a date to meet in Dalton the CARPET CAPITAL OF THE WORLD the 19th through the 21st. I definitely need to see her.
I haven't even had time to KNIT anything! I had lofty hopes of making a hand towel for my bathroom, but my free time is spent between roommates and boyfriends and Greenville friends and new friends and I have no time to myself. I'm kind of going through a knitting and internet withdrawal. Symptoms include anxiety attacks about the amount of Facebook notifications piling up, and stress induced from email inbox overflows. Also I just really want to knit.
Ok. Time for bed.
Friday, August 22, 2008
This rings so true.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
You're as cold as ice!
Jon's editing photos (aka talking on Adium and sending emails) and Chris is asleep and I'm happily typing away, thinking about what I'm going to knit next. "Perhaps it will be blue! Oh, can you imagine? Blue spaghetti!"
I'm pretty happy and content. It's fun living with Alex and Betsy, it's fun having my car back, and it's fun to be DOING things with my life.
Another exciting thing is that I'm going to go to the "sit n' knit" at Threaded Bliss yarns! I seriously am looking forward to this. I'm going to be the coolest person you will ever know. I haven't had time to knit anything at all since I've been here, so hopefully it'll be my one time a week for relaxing.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Nashville, ho!
So I left my new Macbook charger in Tucson. Lame. But it's all right - I've been so busy seeing people, packing up stuff, and going to weddings that I haven't needed it.
When I got to Greenville I was so bored. Angie and I did our obligatory McDonalds-run late the night before, but the next day everyone I knew (which wasn't a whole lot) was working so I spent a lot of the day wandering around the town and campus wondering why no one remembered to remind me how there was nothing to do. But later that night I remembered what I love about this place -- sitting on Thomas' porch, drinking beer, sitting in silence with the breeze and the bugs; being secretly giddy to hang out with certain amazing muscians and then 5 minutes later embarrasing myself completely in front of them; laying on the diry carpet of Tower with Caitlin and Bre, no furniture, boxes in piles, talking for hours and hours about sex, life, God... the people are what I'll miss.
I can't believe I'll never live here again.
When I got to Greenville I was so bored. Angie and I did our obligatory McDonalds-run late the night before, but the next day everyone I knew (which wasn't a whole lot) was working so I spent a lot of the day wandering around the town and campus wondering why no one remembered to remind me how there was nothing to do. But later that night I remembered what I love about this place -- sitting on Thomas' porch, drinking beer, sitting in silence with the breeze and the bugs; being secretly giddy to hang out with certain amazing muscians and then 5 minutes later embarrasing myself completely in front of them; laying on the diry carpet of Tower with Caitlin and Bre, no furniture, boxes in piles, talking for hours and hours about sex, life, God... the people are what I'll miss.
I can't believe I'll never live here again.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Almost a Nash-villain. Emphasis on villain.
I leave for Greenville tomorrow morning! Yay! I love my Tucson, but nowhere's fun with no car, friends, or job. Good thing I found knitting, right? I'm a grandma - even more so because I bought like 4 cardigans (along with a lot of other stuff... how am I going to fit it all in my suitcases??) yesterday with my momma. I accept my place in life.
I'm still plodding away on the boots for Liz. I had to start over twice because I couldn't figure out the damned circular double needle whatever crap. Now that I finally got the hang of it, I can't remember why I thought it was so hard. Here's my progress so far:

I'm still plodding away on the boots for Liz. I had to start over twice because I couldn't figure out the damned circular double needle whatever crap. Now that I finally got the hang of it, I can't remember why I thought it was so hard. Here's my progress so far:
So they're not going to be done necessarily before I leave... but winter's a long way off. Maybe a Christmas present? A Thanksgiving remembrance? A Halloween treat?
In cooler news, I got the iPhone knockoff The DARE! I always seem to get the anti-Mac devices even though I really like all Apple products. Basically, my phone is amazing. And I'm getting a Macbook tonight! This is typical D'Andrea - I was supposed to get it for graduation. But I'm not complaining, this poor little lappy is on its last legs. I guess most Dells don't live past their 4th birthday.
So they're not going to be done necessarily before I leave... but winter's a long way off. Maybe a Christmas present? A Thanksgiving remembrance? A Halloween treat?
In cooler news, I got the iPhone knockoff The DARE! I always seem to get the anti-Mac devices even though I really like all Apple products. Basically, my phone is amazing. And I'm getting a Macbook tonight! This is typical D'Andrea - I was supposed to get it for graduation. But I'm not complaining, this poor little lappy is on its last legs. I guess most Dells don't live past their 4th birthday.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Blue Sky Rain, the Sisterhood, and Ugg Boots
Well, the sun's shining and it's pouring outside, so you know everything's normal here in Arizona.
Seriously, I see lots of blue sky.
I still haven't seen Elizabeth (or really any of my family) for a while now, so I haven't been able to make her sit still and take pictures of her wearing the Sweet Vest (capitalization for awesome-nouns). But one day! One day soon. I haven't picked out buttons yet, but I'm hoping for something older and ugly looking to match, like a Cameo button or something puke green.
I'm going to see The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 tonight with Crystal. We're the only members of the Sisterhood left in town, and we will be grieving our separation in style.
I'm still plugging away on the Long Distance Relationship Scarf, but am stuck because I'm trying to decide if I want to knit approximately 3 feet in plain stockinette or in some other style that won't make me die of boredom. I'm easily distracted, even with my obsessions.
Elizabeth really wants me to make her these:

Apparently Ugg has some just like them for a couple hundred dollars, but the pattern was only $6 and she has ordered me to make them for her. I'll have to learn to knit in the round on 2 circular needles (which is weird and scary, but this summer is all about staving off boredom, so I'll do it), but other than that should be pretty quick to knit. So now I have two deadlines - finish the LDR Scarf and these boots before I leave Tucson. Go me!
Seriously, I see lots of blue sky.
I still haven't seen Elizabeth (or really any of my family) for a while now, so I haven't been able to make her sit still and take pictures of her wearing the Sweet Vest (capitalization for awesome-nouns). But one day! One day soon. I haven't picked out buttons yet, but I'm hoping for something older and ugly looking to match, like a Cameo button or something puke green.
I'm going to see The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 tonight with Crystal. We're the only members of the Sisterhood left in town, and we will be grieving our separation in style.
I'm still plugging away on the Long Distance Relationship Scarf, but am stuck because I'm trying to decide if I want to knit approximately 3 feet in plain stockinette or in some other style that won't make me die of boredom. I'm easily distracted, even with my obsessions.
Elizabeth really wants me to make her these:
Apparently Ugg has some just like them for a couple hundred dollars, but the pattern was only $6 and she has ordered me to make them for her. I'll have to learn to knit in the round on 2 circular needles (which is weird and scary, but this summer is all about staving off boredom, so I'll do it), but other than that should be pretty quick to knit. So now I have two deadlines - finish the LDR Scarf and these boots before I leave Tucson. Go me!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Long Distance Relationship Scarf
I was talking to Colin tonight about his girlfriend's upcoming arrival to Tucson. I told him about my recent obsession with knitting and he told me I should knit her something Arizona-y. He suggested a saguaro. I was dubious. But then I found this amazing pattern for a dishcloth that has a pattern for every state. Yes please! I settled on a scarf (it's quick and she's getting here in like 3 days) that has the shape of Arizona and the letters AZ at one end, and the shape of Illinois (where she's from) with the letters IL at the other. Colin bequeathed unto it the name, "The Long Distance Relationship Scarf" and the legend of the scarf has begun.
But seriously, isn't it cool? Yay Arizona! Maybe I should do something for Ohio for Chris? Too nerdy? Maybe.
An update for the cardigan - the body is basically done, so all I need to do now are make the sleeves and make the collar. I would have worked on it more tonight except I went over to my Irish neighbor's and was fed mass quantities of wine. When I tried to leave after one glass, Amond told me, "We have a saying in Ireland - a bird can't fly with only one wing," which apparently means that you have to drink more. A lot more. Irish people are great.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Grandma at 22
So I've been busy knitting (while trying to forget that I'm knitting because there's nothing else to do in this town without a car or friends that still live here - Nashville, only 2 weeks until I see thy glory) and am super excited about my results.
Exhibit 1, The Finished Scarf:
Exhibit 2, The Goldenrod Cardigan of Glory and Honor:

I'm actually about twice as far along on the cardigan as the pictures show, but I'm too lazy to take more pictures. You'll just have to wait (Christie, I know you're the only one that reads this, so assume that when I'm talking, I'm talking to you).
Exhibit 1, The Finished Scarf:
Exhibit 2, The Goldenrod Cardigan of Glory and Honor:
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Knitting Jackpot, say whaaaaaat
I won the freaking Knitting Jackpot. No lie.
Andrew and I were just hanging out at his house, waiting for Bethany's goodbye party tonight, and I was knitting. We had just stopped at Michael's and bought size 19 (yeah, they're huge) circular needles so I could make Rachel a cardigan for her birthday. Triva asked, "Are you knitting?" and when I said yes, she came out with a HUGE box and said, "My grandmother was a big knitter and left this all to me, but I don't knit at all. You can take whatever out of this you want." Holla atcha boy, for REALZ.
After I regained my speech and hugged Triva a million times, I sorted through the box and ended up with, and please note this all:
Size 11s
2 pairs of size 10s
Size 9s
2 pairs of size 8s
4 pairs of size 7s (3 are 14" and one is 10")
Size 6s
Size 5s
Size 4s
A circular needle kit that has sizes 6-15 with attachments to make each of those 12, 14, 16, or 21 inches long.
All night I sat there and would periodically remember my good fortune and how happy I am. How freaking awesome!
Andrew and I were just hanging out at his house, waiting for Bethany's goodbye party tonight, and I was knitting. We had just stopped at Michael's and bought size 19 (yeah, they're huge) circular needles so I could make Rachel a cardigan for her birthday. Triva asked, "Are you knitting?" and when I said yes, she came out with a HUGE box and said, "My grandmother was a big knitter and left this all to me, but I don't knit at all. You can take whatever out of this you want." Holla atcha boy, for REALZ.
After I regained my speech and hugged Triva a million times, I sorted through the box and ended up with, and please note this all:
Size 11s
2 pairs of size 10s
Size 9s
2 pairs of size 8s
4 pairs of size 7s (3 are 14" and one is 10")
Size 6s
Size 5s
Size 4s
A circular needle kit that has sizes 6-15 with attachments to make each of those 12, 14, 16, or 21 inches long.
All night I sat there and would periodically remember my good fortune and how happy I am. How freaking awesome!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Oh life.
So I got pretty far on my headband-thing, but one night I started knitting while watching TV, didn't pay attention to mistakes, kept knitting, and somehow made a HUGE hole in the middle that I couldn't figure out how to fix. It was a messy hole - full of yarn tentacles sprouting every which way, and it was a nightmare, and I ripped it all out. OH LIFE.
Here are a couple of picture before the horror:
I'm going to start over. I really don't want to... and I really want to start this, like, right now, but I think I'll try and teach myself something called patience.
So I got pretty far on my headband-thing, but one night I started knitting while watching TV, didn't pay attention to mistakes, kept knitting, and somehow made a HUGE hole in the middle that I couldn't figure out how to fix. It was a messy hole - full of yarn tentacles sprouting every which way, and it was a nightmare, and I ripped it all out. OH LIFE.
Here are a couple of picture before the horror:
I'm going to start over. I really don't want to... and I really want to start this, like, right now, but I think I'll try and teach myself something called patience.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Look at me gooooo!
I know it's been a day, so you'd probably assume I'm still obsessed, but I want to make sure you know I AM STILL OBSESSED (with knitting).
I've been awake for about 6 and a half hours and all of those except for a short chicken noodle soup with stars and pudding break have been spent either looking at patterns or actually knitting becaaaaaaauusee.....
I've started knitting! Isn't it pretty? This is how it'll look when it's done, hopefully. But yeah, mine's a darker green with flecks of browns, beiges, and maroons. It includes short rows, which I spent half an hour learning last night at 2:30 in the morning on a practice swatch, school kid style. It's not that hard at all. And even though I feel like I've already spent my entire life on it (I exaggerate a lot and I'm a really slow knitter anyway), I'm really
happy with it! I've even learned how to unknit bad stiches! Look how far I've come! I'm bursting with pride for myself! Bahaha.
I'll upload pictures of my progress tomorrow - right now it just looks like a green piece of crap. I'm excited.
I've been awake for about 6 and a half hours and all of those except for a short chicken noodle soup with stars and pudding break have been spent either looking at patterns or actually knitting becaaaaaaauusee.....
I've started knitting! Isn't it pretty? This is how it'll look when it's done, hopefully. But yeah, mine's a darker green with flecks of browns, beiges, and maroons. It includes short rows, which I spent half an hour learning last night at 2:30 in the morning on a practice swatch, school kid style. It's not that hard at all. And even though I feel like I've already spent my entire life on it (I exaggerate a lot and I'm a really slow knitter anyway), I'm really
I'll upload pictures of my progress tomorrow - right now it just looks like a green piece of crap. I'm excited.
I'm in a knitting phase
I am obsessed with looking at knitting patterns. I feel like a little kid staring at his older brother's books wanting SO BAD to be able to read them, but only understanding a random word or two, not able to string those words into coherent sentences. I can do a knit stitch, I can do a purl stitch, and I've even knit in the round before! But that's all! I get thrown off by the crazy knitting lingo that is peppered throughout patterns. What do you mean by SK2P?! Or 2YO? PSSO? AHHHH!!!!!
Ok. I've recovered. What I'm trying to say is, no one told me that knitting was more complicated. In fact, I'm pretty sure someone told me that as soon as I learned knit AND purl, I'd be able to knit anything. Lies! There are things called short rows, slip stitches, yarn overs, and a million other things that I have no idea how to do. But I keep looking at pattern after pattern (I have literally looked at patterns for at least 3 hours each night this past week) eager to think that maybe one day I could knit something like that!
Here is the first thing I've ever knitted (besides scarves or beanies) - Behold, the BUNNY RABBIT!

Isn't he cute?! I know. Ok, I'll let you know that this was basically rated as "the easiest thing ever in the world" to make. But look how good it is!! I was pretty proud. Even if it does look like a flying Guenna pig.
But yeah. My next goal is to knit a sweater for Chris. I realize this seems ambitious for someone whose only claim to fame is a stuffed rabbit made from a square piece of knitting, but in my hours of searching I think I have found an appropriate sweater. Not too hard to make, not too stupid looking, no dumb bobbles or cables or whatever the hell people do so they don't get "bored" . . .
[Ok, I'm going to rant for a second - I've been reading around and people who knit sweaters for guys always complain about the patterns being TOO EASY and BORING to knit! Subsequently, there are NO easy sweaters and they design HARDER ONES trying to find the balance between "interesting" patterns (a.k.a. stupid patterns) and something a normal guy would actually wear. WHAT?! WHO ARE THESE CRAZY PEOPLE?!]
. . . and it's not baggy at all. I say it's a winner!
Wish me luck! I am notoriously bad at not finishing what I've started.
Ok. I've recovered. What I'm trying to say is, no one told me that knitting was more complicated. In fact, I'm pretty sure someone told me that as soon as I learned knit AND purl, I'd be able to knit anything. Lies! There are things called short rows, slip stitches, yarn overs, and a million other things that I have no idea how to do. But I keep looking at pattern after pattern (I have literally looked at patterns for at least 3 hours each night this past week) eager to think that maybe one day I could knit something like that!
Here is the first thing I've ever knitted (besides scarves or beanies) - Behold, the BUNNY RABBIT!
Isn't he cute?! I know. Ok, I'll let you know that this was basically rated as "the easiest thing ever in the world" to make. But look how good it is!! I was pretty proud. Even if it does look like a flying Guenna pig.
[Ok, I'm going to rant for a second - I've been reading around and people who knit sweaters for guys always complain about the patterns being TOO EASY and BORING to knit! Subsequently, there are NO easy sweaters and they design HARDER ONES trying to find the balance between "interesting" patterns (a.k.a. stupid patterns) and something a normal guy would actually wear. WHAT?! WHO ARE THESE CRAZY PEOPLE?!]
. . . and it's not baggy at all. I say it's a winner!
Wish me luck! I am notoriously bad at not finishing what I've started.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Of course.
The sorting hat says that I belong in Hufflepuff!
Said Hufflepuff, "I'll teach the lot, and treat them just the same."
Hufflepuff students are friendly, fair-minded, modest, and hard-working. A well-known member was Cedric Diggory, who represented Hogwarts in the most recent Triwizard Tournament.
Ravenclaw was in second with 64/100.
No matter how I look at it, I always end up in Hufflepuff.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Oh my gosh. I am freaking out.
09-21 Nashville, TN - Ryman Auditorium (w/Lewis)
Oh my gosh. I am freaking out.
09-21 Nashville, TN - Ryman Auditorium (w/Lewis)
Friday, June 27, 2008
Boom-de-yada, boom-de-yada
Today as I grudgingly poured myself some Diet Pepsi, I came to the realization that Tucson and Phoenix are good analogies for my love of Diet Coke over Pepsi. Both Tucson and Diet Coke are obvious choices, and both Phoenix and Diet Pepsi are scorned. But when one isn't available, such as in a restaurant that only serves Pepsi products and a band that's only stopping in Phoenix for a show, you go for the other. Siblings that fight each other constantly only to be united when an outside attack comes.
I love you, Diet Coke.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Pet Peeves, Series 2
Pet Peeve:
When people IM me with links saying, "Watch this video!" or "Listen to this song!" I don't want to. Ever.
When people IM me with links saying, "Watch this video!" or "Listen to this song!" I don't want to. Ever.
(If you're too lazy to watch this 19 second video, it basically says that if you bring in a gas receipt to a Jack in the Box on June 26, you get two free tacos. AWESOME.)
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Input, strength #2
defenestrate \dee-FEN-uh-strayt\, transitive verb:
To throw out of a window.
What a great word!!
I dare you to casually use it in a sentence today.
To throw out of a window.
What a great word!!
I dare you to casually use it in a sentence today.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I think your bruise was understated, 'cause you can't feel this anymore.
About my upcoming visit to a Death Cab For Cutie show...
Jon Duenas: hahaha.... i would go with you just to see how you'd react to all the little 15 year olds who think they're real fans because they found transatlantacism at a FYE and paid $20 for it, but still think that Plans is their best album
Me: oh my gosh
Me: hahahaha
Me: i know, i'm going to act like SUCH a snob
Me: i'm going to be disdainful and cutting to every junior higher that looks my way.
Jon Duenas: hahaha
Jon Duenas: that would be more entertaining to me than the actual show
Jon Duenas: hahaha.... i would go with you just to see how you'd react to all the little 15 year olds who think they're real fans because they found transatlantacism at a FYE and paid $20 for it, but still think that Plans is their best album
Me: oh my gosh
Me: hahahaha
Me: i know, i'm going to act like SUCH a snob
Me: i'm going to be disdainful and cutting to every junior higher that looks my way.
Jon Duenas: hahaha
Jon Duenas: that would be more entertaining to me than the actual show
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Fun Games I Play to Trick Myself into Thinking I'm Having Fun
When I log onto my profile on Facebook, I usually play a little game. You know how it shows you 6 random people from your network? I play the "What is the relationship status of everyone in this group?" game. I don't know why. I think it started to prove to my little sister how basically everyone I know is married. The averages are as follows:
2 Married
3 Dating Relationship / Engaged
1 Single
Isn't that nuts? Oh life.
My online shopping loot is shipped! It should be here this week, I'm thinking. Hurray!
2 Married
3 Dating Relationship / Engaged
1 Single
Isn't that nuts? Oh life.
My online shopping loot is shipped! It should be here this week, I'm thinking. Hurray!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Slow day?
Let me be clear. I have never dieted before. But I am now? And my tummy is rumbly. Oh well. I have nothing else to do this summer...
... except SHOP ONLINE!
Here's what I bought today:

... except SHOP ONLINE!
Here's what I bought today:
I'm especially loving the necklace and shoes -- I really just bought the dress because it was only like $11 and who doesn't need more black dresses??
Anyway. I also was graced with not one, but two letters! I'm a veritable snail mail pro. And in these letters I received a drawing (from Chris) and an amazing poster (from Emily). I have the best people in my life.
Anyway. I also was graced with not one, but two letters! I'm a veritable snail mail pro. And in these letters I received a drawing (from Chris) and an amazing poster (from Emily). I have the best people in my life.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
"Famous people are just more interesting"
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Diet Coke Death
My mom came into my room yesterday and got very angry with me. I had 5 open cans of Diet Coke, one was finished, but the others all had stuff left in them. There was also a half finished glass of Diet Coke, and an AM PM cup filled about 2/3rds with Diet Coke.
My punishment? To drink them ALL. While she was staring at me. Well, I didn't quite finish them all, but I did ok.
The situation today:
My punishment? To drink them ALL. While she was staring at me. Well, I didn't quite finish them all, but I did ok.
The situation today:
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