Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Musical Timeline

There are certain bands or albums I associate with certain periods of my life - sort of like a musical timeline. If you tell me the name of a band or a specific album, I could tell you where in my life I was. Of course there are the bands that I listened to all throughout college, but these are the bands or albums that directly correlate with these certain periods. Here's a brief synopsis of my college career.

Freshman year it was Pedro the Lion and Eisley. All Pedro albums released then, and the one album that Eisley had out at the time.

Sophomore year was Sufjan Stevens and Death Cab for Cutie, with a little Hem thrown in. Thank you, Danny McMacken for that introduction.

Junior year I was still really into Hem, but started listening to Jenny Lewis (from Rilo Kiley) and the Bright Eyes album, "Noise Floor." Those albums are especially meaningful to me because I didn't have internet in my apartment second semester last year and my only past time was to listen to music.

This summer was most definitely Ryan Adams - every album (except Rock and Roll), but specifically Easy Tiger. Seriously, every time I listen to it I imagine myself driving downtown in horrible traffic to work at the ice cream parlor and thanking God that I had an MP3 player that worked in my car.

First semester this year I was still heavily influenced by Ryan Adams - especially the album Jacksonville City Nights. But after starting to date Curtis, Bright Eyes became an integral part of my life. And still is.

The end.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

You will. You? Will. You? Will. You? Will.

My body has started aching in random places including my lower back and legs. I told this to the all-knowing Katie G and she said I was showing symptoms of actual withdrawl. It's probably good that I'm dealing with it now, and not when I'm 45 and dying of cancer.

I need to go buy some valentines! The best part is picking out the theme. Harry Potter is tempting, but I've done that sort of a lot. Oh my gosh, I hope I can find Arthur ones! Man. I secretly love Valentines Day, especially when not in a relationship. What other day of the year do all your friends tell you how much they like you and give you free candy? Seriously. And there's candy. And friends. And love. Three awesome things on one day. So everyone stop acting like everyone else and start loving the Love Holliday. I'm a fan.

On another completely random tangent, I've been thinking of my future. This might be a good topic for a second semester senior to ponder. I'm nervous that I won't be able to get a real job in Nashville.

real (rEEl) job (jAWb) - n. - Not the ice cream parlor

I was just looking at EMI's website, and they have a job opening for an HR Administrator... which would be perfect. I honestly think I'd be good at it - I could be Toby! And it's so Greenville to say this, but my strengths would totally qualify me - Empathy, Positivity, Includer... I really want this. I also would love a temp job there (I could be Ryan! I could live the Office!). It makes me wish that I had got that Human Resource minor... I think the only class I'm missing for it is Interviewing. Anyway. Just thoughts.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Day 4

I have a headache.


Thursday, February 7, 2008

Day 1

I'm off the sauce. Diet Coke, that is. Is it going to be difficult? Very. Am I going to become more of a whiny, complaining, headache-ridden woman? Yes. Am I going to be loving Jesus through this self-sacrifice? Apparently.

I've almost given up Diet Coke every year I've cared about Lent, but this year I'm going to have help (a.k.a. someone to force me at gun-point to go through with it). Yeah. It's going to be an awesome 40 days.

Sunday still counts as cheat day, right?