Saturday, June 28, 2008




Oh my gosh. I am freaking out.

09-21 Nashville, TN - Ryman Auditorium (w/Lewis)

Friday, June 27, 2008

Boom-de-yada, boom-de-yada

Today as I grudgingly poured myself some Diet Pepsi, I came to the realization that Tucson and Phoenix are good analogies for my love of Diet Coke over Pepsi. Both Tucson and Diet Coke are obvious choices, and both Phoenix and Diet Pepsi are scorned. But when one isn't available, such as in a restaurant that only serves Pepsi products and a band that's only stopping in Phoenix for a show, you go for the other. Siblings that fight each other constantly only to be united when an outside attack comes.

I love you, Diet Coke.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Pet Peeves, Series 2

Pet Peeve:

When people IM me with links saying, "Watch this video!" or "Listen to this song!" I don't want to. Ever.


(If you're too lazy to watch this 19 second video, it basically says that if you bring in a gas receipt to a Jack in the Box on June 26, you get two free tacos. AWESOME.)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Input, strength #2

defenestrate \dee-FEN-uh-strayt\, transitive verb:
To throw out of a window.

What a great word!!

I dare you to casually use it in a sentence today.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I think your bruise was understated, 'cause you can't feel this anymore.

About my upcoming visit to a Death Cab For Cutie show...

Jon Duenas: hahaha.... i would go with you just to see how you'd react to all the little 15 year olds who think they're real fans because they found transatlantacism at a FYE and paid $20 for it, but still think that Plans is their best album
Me: oh my gosh
Me: hahahaha
Me: i know, i'm going to act like SUCH a snob
Me: i'm going to be disdainful and cutting to every junior higher that looks my way.
Jon Duenas: hahaha
Jon Duenas: that would be more entertaining to me than the actual show

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Fun Games I Play to Trick Myself into Thinking I'm Having Fun

When I log onto my profile on Facebook, I usually play a little game. You know how it shows you 6 random people from your network? I play the "What is the relationship status of everyone in this group?" game. I don't know why. I think it started to prove to my little sister how basically everyone I know is married. The averages are as follows:

2 Married
3 Dating Relationship / Engaged
1 Single

Isn't that nuts? Oh life.

My online shopping loot is shipped! It should be here this week, I'm thinking. Hurray!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Slow day?

Let me be clear. I have never dieted before. But I am now? And my tummy is rumbly. Oh well. I have nothing else to do this summer...

... except SHOP ONLINE!

Here's what I bought today:

I'm especially loving the necklace and shoes -- I really just bought the dress because it was only like $11 and who doesn't need more black dresses??

Anyway. I also was graced with not one, but two letters! I'm a veritable snail mail pro. And in these letters I received a drawing (from Chris) and an amazing poster (from Emily). I have the best people in my life.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

"Famous people are just more interesting"


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Diet Coke Death

My mom came into my room yesterday and got very angry with me. I had 5 open cans of Diet Coke, one was finished, but the others all had stuff left in them. There was also a half finished glass of Diet Coke, and an AM PM cup filled about 2/3rds with Diet Coke.

My punishment? To drink them ALL. While she was staring at me. Well, I didn't quite finish them all, but I did ok.

The situation today:

A new half finished glass of Diet Coke, 4 now empty cans, and that 2/3rds filled AM PM cup. I might just throw that away.


Saturday, June 7, 2008

I wish we had a Hobby Lobby

I have begun to knit!

Now, while this might look like a lowly, rectangle piece of knitting, it is actually a sock for my sister's iPod nano (pictured, left). Whoaaa! I know, you're impressed. I'm pretty good. Look at my skill.

Ok, but seriously, I hope it even works. My mom's going to pick me up a darning needle so I can actually sew it together into a pouch. Think it'll work? I hope so too.

In other news, I'm going to see THE MONROES today. Also the stud-muffin himself, Grant Rogers. Good day, indeed.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Everybody's got somebody to lean on

Things I'm Going to Do This Summer Instead of Lay around and Get Bed Sores:

- Learn to knit better - cabling, dropping stitches, the works.
- Knit things for my friends - even if it's just Emily and Chris
- Exercise (maybe? if I can get a ride to the gym?)
- Write letters
- Improve my short term memory!
- Cut back on Diet Coke consumption


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I'm happy because I'm stupid

All the happy anticipation I had at being home has been washed away in the rainfall of boredom. There is nothing to do in Tucson when you don't have a car or much money.

I'm going to take up a hobby, then, of course (a job is out of the question). But the agonizing pick of will be the most difficult aspect. I could get better at knitting, but I left all supplies and bundles and bundles of yarn in a small storage shed in Greenville. I could exercise, but it's hot and do I really want to be running through the city with all the Mexicans wolf-whistling at me? And I don't have a way to get to a gym on a consistent basis. Lamebot.

So I'll be open to any and all suggestions presented here. For the first time I'm not really looking forward to anything in my near future. No friends here. No jobs in Nashville. Bah.

I guess I'm dating again.

Who knew?