Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Words are a lovely try for something more

I'm finally home for my 11 day summer vacation and I could not be more content - the content that fills you up and makes doing anything seem unattractive. Mmm. I need to call a bunch of people, and see a lot of friends, but right now sitting on my bed for 5 hours doing nothing but drink diet coke and read sounds the most appealing. I think I'll stay here.

It smells like rain. I think I almost forgot what it smelled like here when the dark thunder clouds roll in. I was lying on my bed in that half napping, half thinking state when it wafted in through my open window and took me by surprise. It smells like home in the same way that my clothes smell like home when my mom does my laundry. I think that if I smelled that love potion made by Slughorn in the Half Blood Prince the smell of Arizona rain would definitely be one of the three scents I'd smell.

Oh. Something that is worrying me right now. I took this short-term memory test online on this website that I found from StumbleUpon and I literally failed every test that required me to remember something for more than 5 seconds. When I'm old and can't remember even my own name, I hope some nice person will take pity on me and not let me kill myself accidentally.

Andrew and I made a homemade chicken pot pie yesterday. I think we started around 6:30 and didn't finish until after 9. We had to go to the store twice because when we were there the first time we forgot the main ingredient - the chicken! And we had to cut the vegetables ourselves, mince the garlic by hand, and peel a potato and some carrots without a peeler! It was the hardest I've worked on a meal. And it kind of sucked. Not worth the effort in the least. But it was pretty fun.

The end.

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