Thursday, July 5, 2007

Two hearts, one of them will break

Yesterday was the 4th of July. Of course I had to work at the ice cream place. But I had a fairly fun time -- there's a new hippie girl who I could envision being friends with (as opposed to the Loony Lovegood-esque Jessica) and Mike gave me a project. "I want you to make yourself a waffle cone and walk around outside near large groups of kids." OK! That's my kind of project. Hippie girl is a vegan so she didn't get to participate. Too bad.

After I got off at 9, Sam, Peter, and Jim met me for fireworks ovah the rivah. I took lots of pictures to preserve memories, don't worry.

Thyme and mushrooms have a natural affinity, the lady on the food network just told me. Huh.

EmmyB is coming to love me for a week! We're going to do awesome Nashville things like watch TV and knit together. Well, I don't know if she can knit, but she'll probably journal, and I'll knit, and we can both watch the Food Network. No, but seriously, this will be the best ever.

P.S. On that one new Ryan Adams song "Two Hearts" I thought he was saying "two hearts, one of them a brain" and I kept thinking of the Wizard of Oz.

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