Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Sun Don't Shine When Your Baby's Gone Away

Has anyone seen that new yogurt commercial where the girl knits to stave off hunger cravings?  I got really excited when I saw it.

I haven't really been knitting much because we moved AND I got a new, full time job that basically takes up my entire life.  And because I'm still half working at Mikes, that takes up the rest.  My new job is awesome though - they have Beer Friday!  We drink beer!  On Friday!  I was pretty happy.  It's an advocacy group that helps people out of fraudulent business deals.  It's pretty great.

I'm making another Danica for my friend Jonathan, and I'm really, cross my heart going to start knitting hats for my Etsy store.  A lot of stuff has been going on lately, so I've been a little distracted.

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