Saturday, November 17, 2007

Replacing tears of gold with music and laughter

This past week should have been horrible. I even dubbed it Hell Week, with Wednesday appropriately titled the Hell Day within the Week of Hell. But instead of having the worst seven days of my life, I had some of the happiest times of this semester. You could even say I was giddy. Why? There's no reason. My notoriously bad memory is having trouble recalling Monday and Tuesday, but Wednesday was spent dancing up in Archer, watching two Flight of the Conchords episodes, and putting out a pretty rockin' paper. And I remember thinking on Wednesday that it was odd that I'd been happy all week when there was so much stuff to be done.

Oh yeah! Monday I spent working on my 10 page COM paper, watching Heroes, and going to a COR 401 meeting. Tuesday was spent in similar fashion. Wednesday I just explained, and Thursday (yesterday) I got up fairly early, didn't feel sick from the Pap, got the paper sent, and picked it up again. It was nice. And this weekend's looking bright. Random trips to Vandalia to get McDonalds with Emily and Gary are stupid, but amazing. Love it.

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