Thursday, July 24, 2008

Who is the shiz? I believe that would be me.

I gave up on the headband. I'm on to bigger and better things. Like this:

It looks like I weaved this!  Isn't it the SHIZ?!
It's going to be awesome.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Oh life.


So I got pretty far on my headband-thing, but one night I started knitting while watching TV, didn't pay attention to mistakes, kept knitting, and somehow made a HUGE hole in the middle that I couldn't figure out how to fix. It was a messy hole - full of yarn tentacles sprouting every which way, and it was a nightmare, and I ripped it all out. OH LIFE.

Here are a couple of picture before the horror:


I'm going to start over. I
really don't want to... and I really want to start this, like, right now, but I think I'll try and teach myself something called patience.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Look at me gooooo!

I know it's been a day, so you'd probably assume I'm still obsessed, but I want to make sure you know I AM STILL OBSESSED (with knitting).

I've been awake for about 6 and a half hours and all of those except for a short chicken noodle soup with stars and pudding break have been spent either looking at patterns or actually knitting becaaaaaaauusee.....

I've started knitting! Isn't it pretty? This is how it'll look when it's done, hopefully. But yeah, mine's a darker green with flecks of browns, beiges, and maroons. It includes short rows, which I spent half an hour learning last night at 2:30 in the morning on a practice swatch, school kid style. It's not that hard at all. And even though I feel like I've already spent my entire life on it (I exaggerate a lot and I'm a really slow knitter anyway), I'm really happy with it! I've even learned how to unknit bad stiches! Look how far I've come! I'm bursting with pride for myself! Bahaha.

I'll upload pictures of my progress tomorrow - right now it just looks like a green piece of crap. I'm excited.

I'm in a knitting phase

I am obsessed with looking at knitting patterns. I feel like a little kid staring at his older brother's books wanting SO BAD to be able to read them, but only understanding a random word or two, not able to string those words into coherent sentences. I can do a knit stitch, I can do a purl stitch, and I've even knit in the round before! But that's all! I get thrown off by the crazy knitting lingo that is peppered throughout patterns. What do you mean by SK2P?! Or 2YO? PSSO? AHHHH!!!!!

Ok. I've recovered. What I'm trying to say is, no one told me that knitting was more complicated. In fact, I'm pretty sure someone told me that as soon as I learned knit AND purl, I'd be able to knit anything. Lies! There are things called short rows, slip stitches, yarn overs, and a million other things that I have no idea how to do. But I keep looking at pattern after pattern (I have literally looked at patterns for at least 3 hours each night this past week) eager to think that maybe one day
I could knit something like that!

Here is the first thing I've ever knitted (besides scarves or beanies) - Behold, the BUNNY RABBIT!

Isn't he cute?! I know. Ok, I'll let you know that this was basically rated as "the easiest thing ever in the world" to make.
But look how good it is!! I was pretty proud. Even if it does look like a flying Guenna pig.

But yeah. My next goal is to knit a sweater for Chris. I realize this seems ambitious for someone whose only claim to fame is a stuffed rabbit made from a square piece of knitting, but in my hours of searching I think I have found an appropriate sweater. Not too hard to make, not too stupid looking, no dumb bobbles or cables or whatever the hell people do so they don't get "bored" . . .

[Ok, I'm going to rant for a second - I've been reading around and people who knit sweaters for guys always complain about the patterns being TOO EASY and BORING to knit! Subsequently, there are NO easy sweaters and they design HARDER ONES trying to find the balance between "interesting" patterns (a.k.a. stupid patterns) and something a normal guy would actually wear. WHAT?! WHO ARE THESE CRAZY PEOPLE?!]

. . . and it's not baggy at all. I say it's a winner!

Wish me luck! I am notoriously bad at not finishing what I've started.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Of course.

The sorting hat says that I belong in Hufflepuff!

Said Hufflepuff, "I'll teach the lot, and treat them just the same."

Hufflepuff students are friendly, fair-minded, modest, and hard-working. A well-known member was Cedric Diggory, who represented Hogwarts in the most recent Triwizard Tournament.


Ravenclaw was in second with 64/100.

No matter how I look at it, I always end up in Hufflepuff.