Monday, January 28, 2008


I'm heading to Nashville for the weekend in a few days. I'm pretty excited to see Jim, Sam, Mike, and the rest of my Nashvillage friends.

Curtis and I are road tripping (if you consider 4 to 5 hours in a sweet, fake-wood-sided minivan a road trip) it down together so I'm making sure to have a handy list of travel games and a Raffi mix tape so we don't get bored. Jay kay. Except about Raffi - I love that man. "Sur le pon d'Avignon..."

Classes are going all right except for the fact that I have David Wray classes twice a day. That deserves a "what was she thinking" for suresies. But it's ok - it gives me lots of time to daydream and think about other classes. See? Positivity #4. Holla back.

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