Saturday, August 2, 2008

Knitting Jackpot, say whaaaaaat

I won the freaking Knitting Jackpot. No lie.

Andrew and I were just hanging out at his house, waiting for Bethany's goodbye party tonight, and I was knitting. We had just stopped at Michael's and bought size 19 (yeah, they're huge) circular needles so I could make Rachel a cardigan for her birthday. Triva asked, "Are you knitting?" and when I said yes, she came out with a HUGE box and said, "My grandmother was a big knitter and left this all to me, but I don't knit at all. You can take whatever out of this you want." Holla atcha boy, for REALZ.

After I regained my speech and hugged Triva a million times, I sorted through the box and ended up with, and please note this all:

Size 11s
2 pairs of size 10s
Size 9s
2 pairs of size 8s
4 pairs of size 7s (3 are 14" and one is 10")
Size 6s
Size 5s
Size 4s


A circular needle kit that has sizes 6-15 with attachments to make each of those 12, 14, 16, or 21 inches long.

All night I sat there and would periodically remember my good fortune and how happy I am. How freaking awesome!

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