Tuesday, September 2, 2008

It's been awhile.

I haven't been online in for-ev-er.  The sudden change from being constantly online to not at all is addling my brain!  Do I even exist?!  It's strange.

Greenville's back in session which I'm trying not to think about, and I had to work all weekend so I couldn't even make it out there for the triple birthday bash.  I guess it turned into a double birthday bash.  Thank goodness Emily and I set a date to meet in Dalton the CARPET CAPITAL OF THE WORLD the 19th through the 21st.  I definitely need to see her.

I haven't even had time to KNIT anything!  I had lofty hopes of making a hand towel for my bathroom, but my free time is spent between roommates and boyfriends and Greenville friends and new friends and I have no time to myself.  I'm kind of going through a knitting and internet withdrawal.  Symptoms include anxiety attacks about the amount of Facebook notifications piling up, and stress induced from email inbox overflows.  Also I just really want to knit.

Ok.  Time for bed.  

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