Saturday, August 25, 2007

Mama don't take the stairs on Friday

Sara Bareilles is playing IN TUCSON on my BIRTHDAY... what the eff. Seriously. It's like, "Happy Birthday, Anna! I'm playing a birthday show for you... wait, what? You're in Illinois for school? Oh... sorry... it's already set in stone... I guess I'll see you later?"


But otherwise, hey, I'm back at school. Illinois seems tame compared with Nashville (but let's be honest - it's tame compared to a graveyard), but I'm content with being back. I've also started SAing for Prof Ross' COR transfer class and I already love my little babies! I had to take them to placement testing today, but since most of them transferred in with their math and language requirements already taken care of, they didn't need to be there but none of the stupid people running the test would listen, and I was felt like a mother hen needing to protect her little chicks and I flared up and maaaay have snapped at a few choice people. Don't get between mama and her babies.

1 comment:

corrie said...

you listen to sara bareilles too? i knew there was more to our awesome connection than gap t-shirts and the western portion of the country, and other things.