Saturday, July 28, 2007

Just Survive

The littlest things are always what make my days terrible - it's never something huge. I didn't tell Elise I wasn't going to be in all next week until today... and she was kind of mad. And I had to work from 9 am to 2:30 pm at EMI, then 4 pm to 1:30 am at the parlor and it was the busiest there that it's been since FanFare. And I misunderstood my mom and thought she was coming tonight, when she's really coming tomorrow night and Jan and Richard are out of town, I can't get ahold of them, and they have someone coming in to turn on the alarm tomorrow morning because they thought I'd be gone.

But a girl with a heart on her face seemed to understand how I was feeling and whispered, "Survive," as I handed her her change. I wished that I could wear my heart on my face too, instead of on my sleeve like usual. Alsoran says the best place to put it is on the tip of your nose, but I think this girl might be on to something.

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